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1 Useful tips and quirks
Here are my staff that I got during my work or/and playing with podliva.
1.1 Firefox
1.1.1 Removed ALSA support (>= 52.0)
Firefox removed ALSA support. Now I need to handle with apulse, or try to maintain own version with ALSA code. Portage's ~firefox-bin doesn't work with alsa, but firefox (from source) wit -pulseaudio USEFLAG works pretty well.
1.1.2 Sync tabs across devices
There tool out of the box for access to tabs: Simple put about:sync-tabs into the address box.
1.2 Python
Python itself is very poldivic and podlivable language
1.2.1 Importing python files without '.py' extension
import imp module = imp.load_source("module", "path/to/module")
And that's it.
2 Poor man's all the things
Reinventing bipolar hexagonic wheel with woot intentions only.
2.1 Screenshot to clipboard.
You will need: scrot, xclip.
Insert in some bash script (for example 'scrot-clip') in $PATH and make it executable.
scrot -s -e 'xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png < $f && rm $f' # then call it and click to window or select rectangle: $ scrot-clip
2.2 Automatical reverse SSH tunnel? Easy.
You will need: openssh, screen, cron.
Insert into cron with desired timeout something like this:
ps auxf | grep %host%.ssh | grep -v grep || screen -S %host%.ssh -d -m ssh -N %user%@%host% -R 9999:localhost:22 1>/dev/null
This will keep SSH tunnel under the GNU/Screen with provided session name to be grepable among other ssh sessions.
2.3 Automatical background switching
You will need: feh image viewer, cron service.
Again our dear crond hurries to serve to our needs. Put following command to user crontab (crontab -e) with some timeout (15 min is */15 * * * *):
DISPLAY=:0.0 feh --bg-fill "$(find /path/to/wallpapers/|shuf -n1)"
2.4 Game engine (?)
2.4.1 Examples instead of Specification YEAAH
- Simple window with widgets
I want it look like this
import %enginename% as engine window = engine.window.Window() # Chosing backend and properties automatically label = engine.text.Label( "This is label", pos=engine.Vec(window.width // 2, window.height // 2)) @window.event on_draw(): window.clear() window.draw() engine.ioloop.start()